Friday, October 14, 2011

One Year Check-up With Dr. Kerina

It may be a month early, but since my left knee (the one that is real bone and is no longer the good one) has been giving me problems of late (it locks up),  I moved my appointment up a month, and visited Dr. Kerina.   Bill and I arrived early, as is our normal behavior, and seats in the waiting room were at a premium.  After the obligatory wait, we were ushered into the examining room in order to. . . . .wait some more.  But the big guy appeared, looked at me and said, "oh, it's Arden's Knee."  And, was I there for the annual check up or because I need the other knee replaced?  Dr. Kerina has a sense of humor.  Anyway, the correct answer was:   both.

So he checked the xray on the new knee, and congratulated himself on what a good job he did.  And then he looked at the xray of the other knee, and could see the torn meniscus, along with the arthritis.  At my age, and with the arthritis already eating away the cartilage, arthroscopic repair surgery is not an option, since in essence, all that does is scale away additional good cartilage in order to even it out, and what I don't need is less cartilage.  So far, it is not painful. . .unless it locks up, which is what it does.  Usually, I can maneuver it out of the locked position, and as long as I can do that, and as long as I can stay on the tennis court, that is ok.  But the net net is that I am looking at another knee replacement.

Considering the success of the first one, it may be an improvement.  But, prior success does not guarantee a future success, so the mere thought of doing it again is scary.  For the time being, though, I'll just plod along.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

11 Months Post-Op

My last post was in May, at six months post-op.  Now, five month later, the knee is still great, still pain-free, and still getting me around on the tennis courts.  I am playing tennis five to six days a week.  All the other new-knee related aches and pains have resolved themselves, for the most part.  I take no medications at all, i.e. no Mobic (meloxicam) or Tylenol or anything, except vitamins and glucosamine, but I do go regularly to the chiropractor to keep everything in alignment.  Of course, my left knee is now making its own complaints, but hopefully, it will hold out for a few more years.  But, I am a 67 year old woman with arthritis and osteoporosis, so there is no telling how long it will last.

Recently, I spent a long weekend in New York and Boston, and for the first time in many years, I could walk the cities for hours.  And of course, both cities are vertical, so if the pub/restaurant dining room is on the street level, rest assured the bathrooms are in the basement.  I no longer think twice about heading to the rest room, and the steps into the girls' apartments are a ho-hummer.  I relish going up and down stairs!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Six Months Post TKR

It's been over three months since I've posted to this blog, and six months since the TKR, and I was reminded that it might be time to either continue it, or close it out.  I figure that the knee won't last forever, and I'm sure issues will arise over time, so I'll continue to post regularly, but not as often.  As of now, though,  here is where I am:

Having this knee replacement has changed our lives in very positive ways.  For me, I am excited to actually have some pain free days.  I say some, because even though my knee causes me no pain whatsoever no matter what I am doing, I do have other arthritic aches and pains to contend with.  The only difference is that pain is now a sometimes thing instead of a constant.

As an example, I just spent four days (well, actually one was spent travelling to and from) in Vegas.  Granted, there is not a lot of physical activity connected with a trip to Vegas, but the point is that I was able to do everything everyone else does as far as everyday activities.  I can walk for miles, stand around watching people play craps, wear high heels (but not too high), and I even contemplated climbing the rock climbing wall in the fitness center, but my better judgment prevailed and I stuck to the elliptical.  (As an aside, I was not prepared for the fact that smoking is permitted in casinos, not to mention that in order to get to the elevators to get to your smoke free room, you have to walk through the casino.  Go figure.)

As for tennis, tennis is great.  Before I made the decision to have this TKR, my biggest concern as far as tennis went, was whether I would ever be able to play at the same level again.  In all my research beforehand, asking people about their experiences, I never really found anyone who played at my level who had the surgery, and then continued playing. Not to say they are not out there, because they are; only to say that I couldn't find anyone like that.  So I have been very pleasantly surprised, to say the least, that my tennis is as good as or better than it was before.  Now, I am able to cover my own lobs, cover my partner's lobs, bend my knees when I'm serving, run down drop shots, and love every minute of it since it is all PAIN FREE.  What a concept!

So now I am mentally planning my next trip to NY and/or Boston and/or London to visit my kids and grandchild knowing that I can keep up with them, even Little Lissy, who is pushing 2.

Of course, at this age, when you fix one body part, other body parts protest, since they got used to being off balance or not used or whatever, and now their job has changed.  So over the past three month, I have been through various other "injuries."  For instance, I was having pains in my lower back/buttocks, which would come and go, on and off the tennis courts.  And, to add insult to injury, my neck also causes problems.  So I have done my best to keep those issues at bay, and have found a good chiropractor to help.

All that being said, life here in beautiful Harbor Hills with Bill is good, and we are on our way to a tennis game this morning.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Little Lissy is visiting Harbor Hills with her mom. Daddy is nearby.  And since this is a knee blog, Little Lissy is a twenty pound ankle weight that I can lift with my new knee; three sets of 12.  
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Sunday, January 30, 2011

New Knee vs. Old Knee

Having been released by Dr. Kerina three weeks ago to play tennis to my heart's content, I have been on the court every chance the weather has permitted.  My first team match was scheduled for last Tuesday in Gainesville, but after the team drove half way there, we got the call that the match was cancelled due to wet courts.  So my first "real" USTA match was Friday at my old club, Skyview, in fairly cool, very windy conditions.  It was great to be back in a competitive match.  Of course, playing against my old teammates was very difficult.  We didn't prevail, but wait until next time!

I'm trying to get a grasp on how to best describe the way this knee works on the tennis courts, as compared to the way the old knee worked.  Here goes:

The old knee hurt with every step.  I think that when you are playing tennis, the adrenaline helps to block the pain, since my old knee had always felt more painful walking, and doing normal things than it did on the tennis courts.  However, I never walked on the tennis court without taking 3 acetaminophen, in addition to the daily dose of Mobic.

The old knee could not go backwards.  I was always able to move forward, to some degree, but not backward.

The old knee would not push off in any direction.

The old knee could not bend very far.  OK, it could not bend at all.

Now for the new knee.

First of all, from the beginning, I have best described the feeling of the new knee as if there was a sock full of sand in there.  It's still there, but it is becoming smaller.

The new knee does not all.  While I still take Mobic, for other arthritic issues,  I do not take any other pain meds.

The new knee feels strong and it can bend.

The new knee can go forward, backward and sideways.

The new knee can push off.

From my first time hitting tennis ball, I have been in awe of the sense of balance I now have.  As I move around the court, it still amazes me that I am able to do what I can do, movements I have not been able to do for more years than I can remember.  I can now actually get a cardio workout on the tennis court.  It is an exhilarating feeling, and I am excited to be on the court every time.

 I have been playing with Bill for 20+ years, and he knows how I play.  Since I am on the inside looking out, I asked him for his view of the difference, new knee vs. old knee.  He said I am getting to balls I have not been able to get to; I can go back for overheads and up for short balls.  He feels my movement has improved 20%, but I feel it has improved more than that, but I'm on the inside looking out through my rose colored Bolles.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

What are you doing on the court? What does your doctor say?

Since Christmas Eve, I have been on the tennis court here at Harbor Hills every chance I get, hitting with my backboard, Bill, and every time someone walks by, they ask if my doctor knows I'm playing tennis.  I'm been fudging the answer, but, truth be told, while he had given a reluctant OK to it as long as I didn't run, fall or twist my knee (as if you can control the latter two caveats), I have been a bit reluctant to actually play a match, even though I keep thinking my new knee will tell me if I do anything I shouldn't be doing.  So far, it is humming along.  I haven't been so pain-free or well-balanced on the tennis court for years, as I have been since this knee replacement.  

I wasn't scheduled to go back to Dr. Kerina for my final post-op appointment, where he really would turn me loose, until February 3, which is over three weeks away.  So I called his office to see if I could get in earlier, and, coincidentally, they had a cancellation for today.  Bill freed up his late afternoon schedule to go with me down to Leesburg.  But this morning, I had a date to hit with John, the pro, and that 40 minutes is quite a workout.  If the knee was ever going to swell, that would have done it.

The big guy (that would be Dr. Kerina) came in and said, "let me take a look at that knee before you tell me what you have been doing that you shouldn't have been doing."  He took a look at the new knee, and said, "Wow, that knee looks good!"  He said it was solid when I came out of surgery, and it is solid now.   Go ahead and play tennis; do what you want, but just don't fall or twist it, and I'll see you in a year.

So, nine weeks and one day from the date of the surgery, following a good-by hug, I have been released to do what I want, and my next appointment will be November 8, 2011, one year following the original surgery.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Back on the Court Ahead of Schedule!

Today is New Year's Day, 2011.  On December 24th, one week and one day ahead of my original wishful thinking date of January 1 (and one full month ahead of my doctor's prediction), I went out on the court and spent 35 minutes hitting tennis balls with my ball machine, Bill.  That was less than seven weeks after the surgery.  Dr. Kerina gave a reluctant OK to hitting tennis balls, as long as I don't run, so I have been out there getting used to this new knee.  It feels and it works differently than my old knee.  This knee, though it still feels as if there is a sock with sand in there, works well, if in a cumbersome way, and doesn't hurt.  My original knee, in the condition it was in pre-surgery, hardly worked at all, and hurt all the time.  So this is a great improvement.  I've been trying to hold myself back from hitting too long and too often.  Pain and swelling would be a warning to stop, but since there is no pain and being on the court doesn't make it swell up any more than the stationary bike or elliptical, and even that swelling is minimal, I continue to hit every day the weather permits.  I have been on the court four or five times since Christmas Eve with Bill and am none the worse for wear.  I'm resisting the urge to start playing doubles, and my better judgment is prevailing.