Sunday, January 30, 2011

New Knee vs. Old Knee

Having been released by Dr. Kerina three weeks ago to play tennis to my heart's content, I have been on the court every chance the weather has permitted.  My first team match was scheduled for last Tuesday in Gainesville, but after the team drove half way there, we got the call that the match was cancelled due to wet courts.  So my first "real" USTA match was Friday at my old club, Skyview, in fairly cool, very windy conditions.  It was great to be back in a competitive match.  Of course, playing against my old teammates was very difficult.  We didn't prevail, but wait until next time!

I'm trying to get a grasp on how to best describe the way this knee works on the tennis courts, as compared to the way the old knee worked.  Here goes:

The old knee hurt with every step.  I think that when you are playing tennis, the adrenaline helps to block the pain, since my old knee had always felt more painful walking, and doing normal things than it did on the tennis courts.  However, I never walked on the tennis court without taking 3 acetaminophen, in addition to the daily dose of Mobic.

The old knee could not go backwards.  I was always able to move forward, to some degree, but not backward.

The old knee would not push off in any direction.

The old knee could not bend very far.  OK, it could not bend at all.

Now for the new knee.

First of all, from the beginning, I have best described the feeling of the new knee as if there was a sock full of sand in there.  It's still there, but it is becoming smaller.

The new knee does not all.  While I still take Mobic, for other arthritic issues,  I do not take any other pain meds.

The new knee feels strong and it can bend.

The new knee can go forward, backward and sideways.

The new knee can push off.

From my first time hitting tennis ball, I have been in awe of the sense of balance I now have.  As I move around the court, it still amazes me that I am able to do what I can do, movements I have not been able to do for more years than I can remember.  I can now actually get a cardio workout on the tennis court.  It is an exhilarating feeling, and I am excited to be on the court every time.

 I have been playing with Bill for 20+ years, and he knows how I play.  Since I am on the inside looking out, I asked him for his view of the difference, new knee vs. old knee.  He said I am getting to balls I have not been able to get to; I can go back for overheads and up for short balls.  He feels my movement has improved 20%, but I feel it has improved more than that, but I'm on the inside looking out through my rose colored Bolles.

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