Thursday, October 6, 2011

11 Months Post-Op

My last post was in May, at six months post-op.  Now, five month later, the knee is still great, still pain-free, and still getting me around on the tennis courts.  I am playing tennis five to six days a week.  All the other new-knee related aches and pains have resolved themselves, for the most part.  I take no medications at all, i.e. no Mobic (meloxicam) or Tylenol or anything, except vitamins and glucosamine, but I do go regularly to the chiropractor to keep everything in alignment.  Of course, my left knee is now making its own complaints, but hopefully, it will hold out for a few more years.  But, I am a 67 year old woman with arthritis and osteoporosis, so there is no telling how long it will last.

Recently, I spent a long weekend in New York and Boston, and for the first time in many years, I could walk the cities for hours.  And of course, both cities are vertical, so if the pub/restaurant dining room is on the street level, rest assured the bathrooms are in the basement.  I no longer think twice about heading to the rest room, and the steps into the girls' apartments are a ho-hummer.  I relish going up and down stairs!

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